You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 28, 2007.

There was this post a couple of days ago where Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky poem was parodied. Now Java’s a Lewis Carroll freak and I do believe that next to Jah, Carroll would be a close second – or maybe even tie for first place – in his priority ratings. The parody wasn’t all that bad, I guess, but it sure didn’t blow us away. And so Java got down to commenting on it and it went like so:

Twas squalig for the vapid prose
To mingle with the Bard
All bongsy was the techie verse
That mangulates the word
Beware the Jabberwock my son
The comments bite and scratch
Beware the Watcher Bird and run
From spurious Randysnatch
He brought his processor up front
Long time the coded bytes he sought
But waited whilst the Crumbum set
And waited while it thought
But as he wandered in his mind
The Jabberwock with fiery eyes
Sprang from the twisted fog
And singing as it sprang
Tra la, tra la, and tri li li
Its laser scythed right through his face
He let it down, then with his crown
He slithered back to base
So watch that shit The Watchbird cried
Don’t mess with master’s verse
The fruglish spang that scrunches spam
Will bandtoform a curse
Twas squalig for the vapid prose
To mingle with the bard
All bongsy was the techie verse
That mangulates the word

It really wasn’t meant to put the blogger down or anything, but you know how these things go – compulsive urges are, at most times, hard to resist. And what the hell, as Java echoed the blogger’s words “sheeet maann we jus be havin fun

June 2007
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Ephemeral Ruminations by Java Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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